Teresa Noon

"The best part of working together was truly the journey. My journey started as one of ideas and what-ifs and if-only's: excitement and apprehension. As our weeks unfolded together, I found myself leaping from ideas to action steps; from what-ifs to quieting my inner critic as I moved forward; from if-only's to I can/I am now.

The journey through vulnerability: voicing and acknowledging my ideas, my dreams, my fears in a judgment free space...AND THEN nurturing them and giving them space to emerge and grow courageously. And then the most beautiful transformation of self.

Coaching really helped me define my values and my intentions from the deepest vibrations of my soul. I finished this experience with you KNOWING who I am and what I must bring to this world. Now the next phase begins...action steps and leaps of faith. I'm ready."

Abloom Creative